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Mark Darling
Periecho Contributor
Mark has a background in psychology and applied neuroscience. He is currently exploring the high country of grace and finding many delightful places of rest for the soul. Mark enjoys surfing, bush walking, making music, good food and laughter in the company of friends. He resides on Queensland's Sunshine Coast and has two grown children.
February - Worship, Hypnosis and the Neuroscience of Spirituality
September - Marriage Equality and the Evolution of Societal Norms
June - If Hell Doesn't Exist Then Why The Cross?
March - Is Believing in Hell Bad for Your Mental Health?
November - Thin Places and Liminal Spaces
October - The Paradox of Transformational Pain
September - Jimmie, Mum and Me: A Journey into The Naked Now
August - The X-Files and The Psychology of Religion
June - Everybody Needs a Scapegoat
May - Confessions of a Recovering Prayer Warrior
April - Fragments of My Life (poem)
March - Grace in a Tin Shed
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