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Russell Croft
The Pilgrim’s Paradox – To Bind or to Loose in the Kingdom of Heaven
Barbara walked slowly down the brightly lit corridor. It was a pulsing, almost blinding aurora, originating from where exactly she could...

by Russell Croft
The Prodigal Failure
There once was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, “Father, give me the share of the property that will one...

by Nathan Jennings
Rethinking the Unpardonable Sin
The verse "Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be...

by Nathan Jennings
The Sin of Original Sin
Of the 3 Abrahamic religions, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, only 1 holds to a belief in the doctrine of 'original sin'. That is; that all...

by Russell Croft
Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Faith
So, here we are at an interesting time in Church history. People are leaving the Church like never before, and church leaders and...

by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex. Ed. (Part Two)
If you read Part One of this series, then you already know I am quite conflicted regarding the sex education I received as a youth-group...

by Russell Croft
The Hypocrisy of Jesus
“Do good to those that hate you.” It strikes me that Jesus said a lot of things that he couldn’t possibly have meant. You know, the stuff...

by Ronnie Herrema
Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part Two
Read: Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part One Religion, for thousands of years, instead of setting people free, has divided them against...

by Ronnie Herrema
Don't Worship, Just Breathe: Part One
Remember the story of the woman at the well? The woman asked Jesus, “Do we worship in the Temple (something man-made) or on the mountain...
by Mark Darling
If Hell Doesn't Exist Then Why the Cross?
In my recent article, Is Believing in Hell Bad for Your Mental Health?, I explored the scientific evidence that belief in hell is a...
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