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by Ronnie Herrema
Honesty and Ego
One of the reasons you always tell the truth—how you feel, what you see, your perspective, your feelings—and be honest with people as...

by Russell Croft
Should the Church Embrace Universal Reconciliation?
Universal Reconciliation or Christian Universalism is a concept that has gained momentum in recent times, particularly since the release...

by Russell Croft
Effing with the Ineffable – Biblical Inerrancy and the Limitation of Language
An artist sits in her studio, inspired by some deep-seated emotion that arises from a reflection on her current circumstance. She works...

by Christopher Newport
Are We Progressing?
As time goes by, I realise that my opinions, thoughts and beliefs have changed. I don’t think this is unusual, but it becomes obvious...

by Belinda Croft
'Suburbicon' Movie Highlights Individual and Collective Racism and Hypocrisy
Recently I went to the movies with my eldest son to watch Suburbicon. After the opening scene, I expected a light, comedic movie about a...

by Ronnie Herrema
You Can’t Change the World, But You Can Change Yours
You can’t change the world, but you can change yours... I wish that’s what we preached more often… Everyone is so busy trying to change...

by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex Ed. (Part Three)
The opening scene of television series, ‘Jane the Virgin’ shows a ten year old Jane holding a perfect white camellia. Her Abuella...

by Ronnie Herrema
The Bandana Man
A couple of months ago, my wife, Anna, and I were feeling like crappy parents. Feelings like: being too distracted, too busy, not focused...

by Russell Croft
Heaven, Hell or Universalism - A Pilgrim’s Dilemma
Lucy entered the gates. Inside, the man who was always smiling beckoned to her. This was more than any man, however. He had a glow, an...

by Catherine Joy
Sluts, Soul Ties and Sex. Ed. (Part Two)
If you read Part One of this series, then you already know I am quite conflicted regarding the sex education I received as a youth-group...
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